Sunday, July 10, 2016

Cafe Maroo, Aundh, Pune

Long ago, when I was a girl, the most exotic one could find, in a restaurant in India, was Indian Chinese or some dubious example of Western cuisine. 

Now, Indians  throng to Thai, Iranian and Korean restaurants as a matter of course.

Much before I first tasted Korean I was in love with Korean dramas. However my first visit to Cafe Maroo was much before I came across the Korean food genre dramas. 

The wonderful person who took me there was not much into K drama either.

Thus I don't remember what I ate and it did not leave a great impression on me.

Somewhere around the time I was watching Let's Eat 

I was blessed with the friendship of three Korean ladies and that was how I visited Cafe Maroo again.

A decor designed to make you want to linger, a serene place to sit alone or with friends and savour some Maroo Kimbab or Bulgogi!

I'm planning to try to make some Korean at home one of these days, going for something simple to begin with like a Pajeon.

Or I should just plan another trip to Cafe Maroo...

A bit on the pricey side, Cafe Maroo has its regulars and is a must visit Korean eatery nicely placed in Aundh.

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